Wednesday, December 6, 2006


I've been crocheting my brains out on that scarf so I can get it D-O-N-E, done! I'm enjoying how quickly it's going, but I really want to start a few other projects. After posting that To Craft List(see, it's working!) I decided not to start anything new until I finish something on my list. Here's two progress pics of the scarf... the whole scarf, and then a close up.
Don't mind the grubby carpet(doesn't everyone say that?) or the poor quality of the pictures(that too). I've put "New Digital Camera" on my holiday wish list('spensive! We'll see about that one!)... I love, love, love this yarn. It's so pretty and perfect for this kind of stitch. Very forgiving! It's 14" wide and so far it's 43" long, and I've still got almost a whole ball of yarn to go! Hoping to post finished pictures soon(within a week?)...

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